There are now more than 1500 top-level domain choices in many different languages for people and organisations to use to better represent their identity on the Internet. However, not all software has kept pace with these changes, which means that these new domain names may not be accepted by all Internet applications and systems.
The Universal Acceptance (UA) Steering Group is a community initiative supported by ICANN that’s been formed to help raise awareness in the global software industry and to help provide developers with tools and information to ensure that their systems are UA-aware.
The UASG has launched an Issues Logging facility where people who encounter a non-acceptance issue can record their experience with the Global Support Center. The Global Support Center, operated by ICANN, will then engage to raise awareness and encourage resolution.
By recording issues encountered we’ll be able to see if there are any trends that will help in generating solutions to solve this issue and help systems keep pace with the evolving domain name system.
Access to the Issue Logging Facility can be found at